Verksbyen, Fredrikstad

Norwegian demo neighbourhood

Verket Atrium and Panorama will comprise 56 units in apartment buildings, and they are part of the Verksbyen urban development project. The project and associated land areas are fully owned by the real estate developer Arca Nova Bolig AS.

Developed by:

Neighbourhood approach

All buildings are built with passive house standard: no ther- mal bridging, superior windows, high quality insulation, bal- anced ventilation with heat recovery and an airtight building envelope.

Passive systems

All buildings are built with passive house standard:

  • no thermal bridging
  • superiorwindows
  • high quality insulation
  • balanced ventilation with heat recovery and an airtight building envelope.

Active systems

  • Solar panels integrated into facades and roofs;
  • balanced ventilation with heat recovery;
  • ground source heat pump.
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