
Woningcorporatie Area

The Netherlands

Area housing corporation lets approximately 8.500 homes in Uden, Veghel and the surrounding villages. We want you to be happy where you live, in a nice environment in which residents look out for one another. Area is the housing partner for people that depend on a housing corporation for their accommodation: people on low incomes, starters, residence permit holders and people with a disability. We believe that people should be able to stay in their trusted living environment – either independently or with residential care. Wherever necessary, we renovate or sell houses and build new housing blocks. We do so in a sustainable manner that meets the wishes and requirements of our residents. We know what we are capable of and what others are good at. We therefore join forces with people and organisations that are like us: active and social.

More about AREA



Thijs van den Oord

Project manager – Real estate developer

Project manager and real estate developer for over ten years in commercial- and social housing projects. The developed project skills include leading design teams, achieving deadlines, budget management and safeguarding quality in challenging projects.

For Syn.ikia Thijs will fulfill the role of Project manager and technical advisor for the Dutch demo-project.


Diana Janssens – Opschoor

Social project manager, social geographer & urban designer

Lead designer for Area’s sustainability and livability policies and social advisor for the dutch demo project.



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