Two new research positions - Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) has just published research positions:

🟢vacancy for a PhD position in Decision-making digital twins for climate neutral neighbourhoods and cities 

🟢vacancy for a 3-year Postdoctoral fellowship in Urban building energy modelling (UBEM) 

Apply by: 13.02.2024


The two positions are linked to the new research project Making Positive Energy Districts – Making PEDs, funded by the Driving Urban Transition Call DUT 2022. The aim of the Making PEDs project is to research and plan Climate Neutral Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) but also to facilitate the transition into practice providing Digital Twins to support decision-making and participatory urban transformation processes. The developed digital twins and models will be tested and refined while supporting decision-making processes for the regeneration of four districts in Europe aiming to climate neutrality, acting as Urban Living Labs (ULLs), in the cities of Linz (Austria), Civitavecchia-Rome (Italy), Palma (Spain) and Bærum (Norway). The Postdoctoral position is also linked to the MIT Building Technology Program.

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